Episode 120: How To Do More Of What You Love with Amanda McKinney


“ Not everyone is going to like you but once you identify who you are, people respond to that.  Basically, the more you are you, the more confident you become”

Our guest today is a marketing coach as well as a fellow yoga teacher and podcaster. Today is all about inspiration and actionable exercises to figure out what you actually want to be doing (aka. what your passion is) and how to do more of it.

But first, an introduction…

Amanda McKinney  has a passion for empowering yoga teachers to earn more money doing what they love.

She does this through her podcast: Marketing Yoga With Confidence and Online Membership. Both focuses on building confidence and community with an extra dose of encouragement every step of the way.

Before working with yoga teachers, Amanda graduated from the University of Florida with her Masters in Marketing and then spent almost 10 years in international corporations.

She eventually created her own business…only to find that it felt lackluster and not very satisfying. In this episode she shares with us how she went from not really enjoying her business into creating one where she loves every single project and every single client.

She had to take some leaps and make some hard choices, but ultimately she kept following what she actually liked doing and found more of it in her life.  This isn't just applicable to owning a business or your career.  This is something to apply to your entire life so that you can wake up everyday excited about what you've filled it with!

Plug in those earbuds and start listening so that you can start doing more of what you love!

Topic Summary:

- Exercises and tips for discovering what you enjoy doing

- Exercises and tips for doing more of what you enjoy doing

- Choosing the things that feel true to you

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Yoga Classes Online:

As mentioned in the episode, I’m offering Live Online Yoga classes on YouTube Live. Sign up here to be notified about upcoming classes: www.veronicathai.com/yogaonline


Listen to my episode on Amanda’s Podcast, Marketing Yoga With Confidence.

Episode 24: How To Market Yourself Using Your Energy