Episode 100: 5 Ways To JUST START Going For What You Want



Thank you so much for coming along with me on this journey, it has been an incredible one! There is much to be celebrated this month - not only have we made it to episode 100, but it’s also Curious Monki’s anniversary month and also happens to be my birthday month.

With all of these big milestones, I can’t help but become a little reflective. That day when I purchased my first mic, I had no idea what kind of a journey I was in for and how many opportunities were going to come from going for what I truly wanted. I wish there was a word for to describe how extremely achingly grateful I am - for the lessons that cracked me open, for the

connections, for the guests that continuously floor me with how many amazing people there are out there….for the flow of life that’s brought me to a place of alignment that I never imagined (even though I kept trying to force my way to where I thought I was supposed to go). WOW. WOW. WOW.

There’s a lot here and we NEED to celebrate this! I’ve got two ways to celebrate:

  1. I’m going to share with you the biggest lesson that I’ve learned along doing these 100 episodes and teach you 5 Tools/Tips that you can concretely apply to your own life so that you can get started on that thing that’s been calling out to you!

  2. I’m going to do a GIVEAWAY FOR A MONTH OF FREE COACHING (3 sessions). I feel more aligned with my North Star than I ever have been before and I’m ugly cry grateful for finding this place. I get to help others find what their hearts are calling out for and have the courage to go for it so that they can blossom into the fullest version of themselves (whaaaat).

    I know that the target moves and alignment with our inner truth is a fluid dance. But for now This. Is. It.. This is it for me - it’s what I’m meant to do!! So I need to share this out with the world!!

    For details on how to enter, listen to this episode or visit my Instagram @curiousmonki

I’ll draw for 3 winners at the end of the month on Nov 30th.

Topic Summary:

  • The story of how I started this podcast (including the time that I totally quit because I was scared)

  • Just starting [that thing that you’re being called to do] is the single most impactful step that you can take but what can you do if you’re caught up in the details or needing to get things right (in other words, paralyzed by fear)?

  • 5 Tools/Tips to help motivate to JUST START going for what you want already!

  • Moving through the fear of starting is a practice. A lesson that needs to be relearned again and again. Each time you move through the discomfort you get stronger.

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Key Nuggets:

5 Ways to Just Start and Go For What You Want

  1. Your desire comes from somewhere - if you know that you want to start something (an art project, new career, side hustle…) but don’t know what it is, look back at what you already love. What interests you and lights you up? What you already enjoy will pave the way to clues.

  2. What’s your creative genius - what do you do well and lights you up? This will give you more clues

  3. Take small steps

  4. Trick yourself to take the edge off - if you make that thing you want to start doing this whole big thing, then you can get paralyzed because it looks like such a big feat. How can you reframe to re-open up possibility within yourself?

  5. Find your motivation - why do you want to do that thing that you want to do? Is it an honest heartfelt desire or is ego driving the show? The difference is that your honest heartfelt desires will fuel you and your ego will deplete you (or fuel you with fear which isn’t a great place to be).

Bonus: How will doing this thing benefit you, those around you or the world? When it’s not about you anymore, you connect to a sense of something bigger. Your mission is fueled with a powerful sense of purpose.

Celebrate with me and put in your entry for the GIVEAWAY FOR A MONTH OF FREE COACHING (3 sessions).

For details on how to enter, listen to this episode or visit my Instagram @curiousmonki

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