Episode 116: Let Your Soul Lead They Way. Ego, Forgiveness + Manifesting with Rebecca Gibson


This is a jam packed episode with Rebecca Gibson who worked as a mental health nurse for 20 years before stepping into her work as a psychic medium and Spiritual Strategist. It’s fascinating to learn about her story of coming into her own spiritual health - she always had her psychic senses but learned to shut them down because they were not well accepted. Going against who she really was took its toll on her health and through a number of pivotal events, she started to do the work that was calling out to her.

Today, she helps people align to their soul and transform their lives

I have SO many questions for her!! Which is why this episode is jam packed. We talk about spiritual health and how to let your soul lead the way, being energetic beings, manifestation, forgiveness and gratitude. All with the intention of understanding ourselves at a deeper level.

This is a thrilling and eccentric episode! Plug in your earbuds and let’s go!

**As excited as I am about this episode, we touch on some heavy stuff like forgiveness of abuse. I invite you to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you’re not ready for this episode yet, then no worries. Leave it and it’ll be here for when you are ready <3

Topic Summary:

- Spiritual health is about letting the soul lead the way but how do we know what comes from ego and what comes from soul?

- On an esoteric level, we're energetic beings - frequencies and vibrations....but what do we do with that information?  How do we use it to our benefit?

- How does the knowledge of the first two points help us manifest the lives that we desire?

- The energy of gratitude and forgiveness.  How forgiveness leads to soul alignment and better manifestations


  • ho'oponopono prayer/meditation for forgiveness

  • Heal For Free documentary on Gaia TV

  • EFT Tapping

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Key Nuggets:

Spiritual Health

Your spiritual health is just as important as your mental and physical health. This is where you recognize that you have an ego and a soul and you choose to let your soul lead the way.

Live through your soul and let your heart lead the way.

Ego versus Soul

Ego - eat, sleep and general brain consciousness. It’s affected by how you grew up, who you spend time with, your experiences…

Soul - understands who you really are and hold the big picture of your journey

Ego - keeps you in a state of worry

Soul - keeps you in a state of expansion

Energy (from a spiritual standpoint)

  • You’re a walking beam of energy: your thoughts create emotion which then emanates frequency and vibration

  • Everything is frequency from your cells to your emotions.

  • Certain areas of your body are affected by certain emotions.

  • If you’re an empath it’s important for you to understand your energy and know how to energetically protect yourself (like through grounding/earthing)

  • Ground your energy by being outside, being by nature and maybe even letting your feet touch the earth like the grass or along a beach.

    • Salt water is so helpful for recharging energy. Even if you don’t have an ocean by you a bath with salt water will be beneficial.


Whatever your soul truly desires feels confident (some people feel the desire in the right back side of their head)

How to counteract negative thoughts so that they don’t manifest

  • It’s like a ctrl + alt + del - when you catch yourself thinking about something low frequency, just choose something that feels better.

  • For example, if you’re afraid that you’ll end up in a trash can with cats, don’t wish to “not be living in a trash can with cats”. Consider what you do want like “I desire to live in a beautiful home”

  • Think about what you do want not what you don’t want

  • Tune into gratitude…it’ll bring your vibes up right away


Forgiveness is releasing negative frequencies and gratitude is bringing in positive frequencies.

“Anger can fuel you or burn your whole village down”. You choose.

How do we know what or who to forgive? Anything that still stirs up guilt or shame still needs your forgiveness, including yourself.

Sometimes you need to forgive a person or situation multiple times before you can truly release it.

Tips and advice for practicing forgiveness:

One of Your Biggest Lessons So Far:

Gratitude is absolutely life transforming.  It’s how you alchemize all of the dark stuff into gold.  Even in the crappiest of times if you can find something to be grateful for then you’re okay

What is one nugget of wisdom that you would share with fellow seekers who are on this journey of growth and transformation?

Mindfulness and living in the now is going to lead you exactly where you need to be.  Follow what feels joyful and what feels good – it may not make sense but you don’t see the bigger picture, your higher self does.


  • ho'oponopono prayer/meditation for forgiveness

  • Heal For Free documentary on Gaia TV

  • EFT Tapping


If you have any questions for Melanie or want to learn more, connect with her through:

Website:  https://www.rebeccagibson.com.au/

Email:    info@rebeccagibson.com.au

Instagram:  @RebeccaGibsonPsychicMedium