Episode 126 BITE SIZED: 3 Tools To Save You When Everything's Falling Apart

When things fall apart.png

Today we go deeper into the first phase of Martha Beck's Change Cycle: Square 1 Death and Rebirth. 

The Change Cycle, created by life coach and author, Martha Beck, depicts the phases that we go through for every major change.

Phase 1 is when everything seems to be falling apart. Your old way of life crumbles around you

and while it might feel like chaos, it's the first step to transformation.

There’s relief and validation when you can understand what you’re going through. Once you know what the heck is happening then you can take the right action.  I give you 3 tools/advice on how to move through this phase with more ease.

Topic Summary:

- What happens in the first phase of transformation

- 3 tools to help you through this tumultuous phase


If you haven't listened to the first episode of the Change Cycle yet, listen here.  I give you an overview of all 4 phases.

Other episodes referenced:

Ep 118: Press Pause (to help you with presence)

Ep 119: Presence Is The Path To Peace (to help you with presence)

Ep 104: Using Story to Heal + Transform Your Life with Anjanette Fennell (to help you understand Hero's Journey)

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Key Nuggets:

The Change Cycle, created by life coach and author Martha Beck, depicts the process that we go through for every major life change.

4 phases, split into internal world and external world.

The analogy of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly is used to understand it.

Square 1: Death & Rebirth

Butterfly: The caterpillar builds it’s cocoon and deconstructs every part of itself into caterpillar soup.

You: Something change in your life and it deconstructs your system of being in this world. You no longer are who you were but you don’t know who you are yet.

Challenges of this phase:

It’s uncomfortable to be here so some people might deny that it’s happening and just wait for things to “get back to normal”. Others may try to move through this phase really quickly before letting things process (ex. having a rebound after a breakup).


How to get through this phase with more ease:

  1. Let the dust settle. Allow the emotions and discomfort to surface.

  2. Burrow and be a burrito. A lot is shifting in your inner world right now, give yourself time. You may find yourself going through the stages of grief.

    I recommend Yoga Nidra as a nourishing and restful practice.

  3. Practice presence and mindfulness. Presence is the path to peace.

    I recommend Tara Brach’s RAIN meditation.


If you haven't listened to the first episode of the Change Cycle yet, listen here.  I give you an overview of all 4 phases.

Other episodes referenced:

Ep 118: Press Pause (to help you with presence)

Ep 119: Presence Is The Path To Peace (to help you with presence)

Ep 104: Using Story to Heal + Transform Your Life with Anjanette Fennell (to help you understand Hero's Journey)

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