Episode 250: 3 Keys for doing hard things while honoring your nervous system (Daily Inspiration)

When know what action you need to take to make progress but you can't seem to make yourself do it, it's probably because there's a part of you that doesn't feel safe to do so.

Another sign that you’re not feeling safe to take this action is that you are scared. Perhaps there’s a sense of doubt, imposter syndrome or anxiousness.

What it can look like is:

  • A yoga teacher who teaches amazing classes but when it comes to creating a post on Instagram, they draw a blank and might even think “I don’t know anything about yoga”

  • Being at a loss for words when trying to tell people what you do (ex. “I’m a life coach who helps people have better relationships…”)

  • Taking 6 hours to record a 20 minute solo podcast

The fearless advice is to “feel the fear and do it anyway!”… sometimes that works but if it worked well enough you wouldn’t be here because you’d already be making the progress that you want.

What works better than “doing it anyway” is a loving and compassionate approach that honors your nervous system.

See, your survival system is part of your autonomic nervous system, which is involuntary. You can’t make your heart beat or your body sweat - it just happens. When your body thinks you’re in danger it involuntarily goes into survival mode. In survival mode, all efforts pointed toward surviving. Flow, creativity, and possibly rational thought is turned off. You might freeze.

The key is to create safety for yourself before and after doing hard things so that you can teach your body that, that blog post is actually not life threatening or approaching somebody to offer up your services is not life threatening.

In this episode, discover:

  • 3 keys to the loving & compassionate way to action, especially things that scare you

  • When you take action in this way, you're more able to show up as your fullest self in your business rather than filter parts of yourself out

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