Episode 141: How To Stop Emotional Suffering with Amber Goodenough


We met wellness coach, Amber Goodenough , in Episode 128 where we showed you a powerful tool that can help you completely change your mindset so that you can stop feeling crappy.

Today we have her back on the show! She shares her story of how she ended up becoming a wellness coach and the health journey that changed her perspective on life.

She’s experienced her fair share of physical and mental pain and because of that, she’s become quite adept at dealing with pain.

This all brings us back to the Byron Katie tool that we were showing you last time! Byron Katie is a profound spiritual teacher and her tool, The Work, helps you feel profoundly better.

As we said last time, when you experience dissatisfaction, pain or hardship in life, you’re suffering. More often than not, the dissatisfaction, pain or hardship isn’t coming from the circumstance, it’s coming from the stories we’re telling ourselves about the circumstances

(ex. circumstance - my cat ran away

but we might make up a story about that - my cat ran away because he hates me. Everyone hates me and runs away from me…even my furry friend. See how this story creates unnecessary suffering? How in the world do you know for sure that, that’s why the cat ran away?)

Suffering from the stories that we tell ourselves is called emotional suffering and The Work can help alleviate it.

The only thing is, it took me a minute to understand how to use it. I had so many questions about it and needed a deeper understanding before I was ready to dive in….

How could it be so simple? Aren’t we lying to ourselves if we try to pretend that something that bothers us doesn’t? Sounds kind of like an emotional bypass. And how about when other people are involved - do you just let them off the hook for lying/yelling/or otherwise breaking your boundaries?

That’s why we dive deeper into The Work in this episode and offer up another demo. These questions might be rolling around in your head too so I wanted to help you get a better sense of The Work.

This tool is free, you can use it on yourself and there’s even free resources and more info on Byron Katie’s website.

There is something to be said about being guided through it though. If you are experiencing emotional suffering and want help with it, both Amber and I offer complimentary intro coaching sessions.

Topic Summary:

- How did Amber become a wellness coach?

- How can our thoughts cause emotional suffering?

- How does The Work really work? (is it a bypass for actually dealing with a situation? how could it be so simple?)

- Demo of coaching tool for problem: urgency to get everything done faster. Exhausting to always have to rush.


Byron Katie offers tools for The Work for free on her website thework.com

JOIN a free online community for you to find support and connect with like minded people to create heart-centered living.

Key Nuggets:

Going Deeper Into Byron Katie’s The Work:

Other than what you’re thinking or believing about a situation, chances are you’re actually fine. The Work helps you alleviate the emotional charge out of the situation so that you can make better decisions. Being angry, hurt or self loathing doesn’t help you make good decisions. It’s more effective to deal with situations with clarity and calm.

Veronica Gets Coached:

At the time of recording, I felt the urgency to get all things done as if there was a timeline that I could never meet. Amber coaches me through it using the The Work.


If you have any questions for Amber or want to learn more, connect with her through:

Facebook: @everybodyshineon

Instagram: @everybodyshineon