Episode 203: Take A Damn Break! The Best Way To Rest So That You Can Be More Productive

Achieving your goals takes focus but when you hold on too tightly it actually ruins your progress.  Instead of taking a step forward, you fall a few steps back.

You increase your risk of burnout and exhaustion.

A few signs that indicate you're holding on too tightly to what you want to achieve:

- you’ve developed tunnel vision and the goal has taken over your mind 24/7 (not in a good way)

- you have a death grip on what you want to achieve (ex. ruminations of how it has to happen; excessive fear of what can go wrong if you don’t achieve it)

- you’re feeling crazy self-pressure like as if you're going to implode any moment

Don't let overattachment hold you back.  In today's episode you’ll learn:

- What it looks like to hold onto a goal too tightly

- How to let go

- One of the best ways to take a break and REST.  (Not relax or do something else, but for real REST where you actually feel rejuvenated and energized)

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If you're ready to stop staying stuck tight in a bud, let's get you some coaching.

As a result of coaching with me, aspiring individuals expand into the fullest version of themselves and have the confidence to live the life of "something more" that they know they're meant for.

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